welcome Guest*, use this page to prepare your next BusinessFax broadcast
(*note: you are not logged in but you can still use this page)

as soon as you upload your DOC, your LIST and your BLOCK LIST and tell us what your FAX number is
we will send your fax back to your fax number along with a BusinessFax quote

this BusinessFax quote will detail the cost of your broadcast and also give you options for adding FREE BusinessFax data,
or to add some PREMIUM BusinessFax data to your broadcast

no faxes will be broadcast until we have specific approval from you.

the coversheet will give you all of the information you need to approve your broadcast

once you give final approval we will
check your list against the Do Not Call Regsiter (DNCR)
check that your document complies to Fax Marketing Industry Standard (FMIS)
check your list against your own block list

for more information about regulations concerning marketing faxes please click here

if you are unsure about your lists and whether you have approval, perhaps you could consider selecting one or our BusinessFax lists
all of our BusinessFax lists have been checked for ALL the necessary permissions and you only pay for success

upload your FAX DOCUMENT
(doc,pdf,docx,ppt or any graphic format)
upload your FAX LIST
(xls, xlsx, or csv)
OR select one of our business lists*
upload your FAX BLOCK LIST

if you have NOT sent marketing faxes before
or if you are already a BusinessFax customer
you do NOT need to have a fax block list

if you have used another fax broadcaster since May 2010 you or that broadcaster should have a block list of some sort please request your block list from that company

for more information about regulations
concerning marketing faxes please click here
enter your email address here
enter your own fax number here

click on the down arrow to select the list you are interested in. you will be sent a detailed quote
*premium lists have a deliverability guarantee and include full line by line reporting
BusinessFax reserves the right to use other methods to ensure delivery to the recipient within 7 days.